Pro features unlocked
>= 12.0
"In a time of gun and sword, the magical stone that maintains the balance of the world is stolen by high-tech aliens. The world is hanging on a thin thread. It all depends on you retrieving the magical stone…" We ...
Version 6.7.0 Blazing Hellfire, Roaring Chariot Starts Now! [New Event] Flaming Carnival Those little ghosts are out to make trouble again! Hop on the Hellfire Chariot and help Duke of Pumpkin subdue them, unlock abilities for your chariot, get new ...
(getButton) #text=(Download IPA file - Size:320.82MB ) #icon=(download) #color=(#2ecc71) #size=(1) ✅
Pro features unlocked
>= 12.0
"In a time of gun and sword, the magical stone that maintains the balance of the world is stolen by high-tech aliens. The world is hanging on a thin thread. It all depends on you retrieving the magical stone…" We ...
Version 6.3.0 [Zongzi Junior, Go!] Is Now Live! [New Event] Zongzi Operation: Savory Strategy Talk with Zongzi Papa in the garden to start the event. Battle monsters with Zongzi Junior and level him up to become the strongest zongzi! Participating ...
(getButton) #text=(Download IPA file - Size:383.89MB ) #icon=(download) #color=(#2ecc71) #size=(1) ✅
>= 12.0
“In a time of gun and sword, the magical stone that maintains the balance of the world is stolen by high-tech aliens. The world is hanging on a thin thread. It all depends on you retrieving the magical stone…” We ...
Bug Fixed *Tried to fix crashes that happened to specific device models during the play of Three Kingdoms - Gunfight.
(getButton) #text=(Download IPA file - Size:372.95MB ) #icon=(download) #color=(#2ecc71) #size=(1) ✅